
Monday 30 November 2015

Pampers for the extra soft baby skin

Babies are sensitive to temperature change. If your baby's bundled up, it can become overheated. Itchy red bumps appear when tiny sweat glands get clogged. Dress your baby in breathable layers of clothes, and remove one if it's hot. Babies' lips are always wet thanks to drooling, lip-licking, and drippy noses, and that moisture can break down the protective top layer of skin.  Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or lip balm to create a barrier against the elements and to moisturize already-chapped lips. Dress your baby in mittens and a hat or hood, and don't stay out too long. Extend the cover on your stroller to block the wind. If your baby's skin looks red, give it a lukewarm bath. Using a thick moisturizer  or petroleum jelly on your baby's cheeks (or other problem areas) will add to the natural barrier and help treat any skin that's already chapped. Red, flaky skin can appear anywhere on your baby's body, especially on the face. It's particularly common during the winter because cold air doesn't carry as much moisture as warm air. Bathe your baby every day just don't use water that's too warm. Avoid soap or shampoo that contains fragrance or alcohol. Exposing your baby's skin to water twice a day will help keep it hydrated. When you bathe it, use a non soap cleanser only on the underarms, backside, groin, and feet, and use water to wash the rest of the body. Within two minutes of getting it out of the tub, spread on a moisturizing cream or an ointment like petroleum jelly to seal in the water. At another point during the day, use warm water from the sink to blot the skin, and then immediately apply moisturizer on the skin on the bottom which is vulnerable to moisture, heat, and irritants.

Baby's bottom may get red and tender for the first time when it begins solid food because the change in its stool can be irritating to the skin down there. Other possible causes: are wearing a wet or dirty diaper for too long, friction from tight-fitting diapers, and excessive heat and sweating. Change soiled diapers as soon as you can, and let your baby go naked once in a while so the skin gets some air. Make sure the diapers aren't too tight, and don't be afraid to go up a size. Use white diaper cream with zinc oxide or petroleum jelly to form a barrier that protects your baby's skin from friction and moisture. Our first and only choice is Pampers.“Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is
#SoftestForBabySkin  and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy. ”

“Pampers brings you the softest ever Pampers Premium Care Pants. Its cotton-like softness is #SoftestForBabySkin and allows it to breathe, thus keeping baby’s skin soft and healthy, and your baby happy. ”

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